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Apex Rogue

69 USD

63 € 54 £ 105 AUD
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Тип : Красота / здоровье

Дата публикации: 26 марта 2023, 21:16

Страна: США

Местоположение: Соединенные Штаты Америки

Why Take a Testosterone Booster?

Bigger, Faster, Stronger? How Testosterone Benefits Your Body

What are the benefits of increasing your testosterone levels one may ask?

1. Healthy heart and blood: Supporting healthy testosterone levels may also help promote heart health, boost metabolic function, and even help prevent type 2 diabetes.[1][4]
2. Less fat, better muscle build: Testosterone is responsible for increased muscle mass.[3] Leaner body mass means better weight control and more energy.
3. Stronger bones: Testosterone and bone mineral density are tightly connected. Man age, testosterone levels drop and bone density decreases. This leads to weak bones and osteoporosis.[2]
4. Better libido: Testosterone is linked to sexual arousal response. It’s the primary male hormone, responsible for your masculinity and desire. Low testosterone decreases sexual activity, desire and erectile function.


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